时间:2022-05-27 00:15:00|栏目:Linux|点击: 次
•操作系统 : 我这里是ElementaryOS虚拟机 + XShell 远程登录工具
•Shell语言 : 我使用的是默认的Bash Shell
•其他小工具 :
◦cowsay : 在终端界面上显示出一个奶牛的语句框,配合管道连接上fortune,效果完美!
#!/bin/bash #scriptname:locktty #writed by :Marksinoberg #description : just for protecting our message when we leave away. And we can set the password every time. reset;clear #清除屏幕 info="Please input the password you will use later!" cowsay $info read mypassword echo "Screen will locked in 7 seconds!" sleep 7 clear #!/bin/bash #scriptname:locktty #writed by :javalee #script start... reset;clear #清除屏幕 info="Please input the password you will use later!" cowsay $info read mypassword echo "Screen will locked in 7 seconds!" sleep 7 clear #加上这个倒记时的小东东,;) trapper () { #建立个函数 trap ' ' 2 3 20 #忽略CTRL+C CTRL+ CTRL+Z信号 } while : #进入死循环 do trapper #调用函数 printf "nnnnnnnntttPlease enter unlock code:" | cowsay stty -echo #屏蔽输入的字符 read input case $input in $mypassword) printf "tt Hello $USER,Today is $(date +%T)n" stty echo break ;; #输入正确,挑出循环回到命令行 *)echo "Do not check my files,please! See as follows:" sleep 3 clear continue ;; #否则,继续循环 esac done
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